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Internship Opportunities


Messick’s is proud to offer two opportunities to high school and undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career as a service technician—the Service Department Summer Internship Program and the Service Department Co-op & Work Experience Program. For each program, students will be paired with one of our four shops—agriculture, construction, lawn & garden, and set up—to gain experience and technical knowledge of agricultural, construction, and home ownership equipment repairs and maintenance.

The Service Department Summer Internship Program is open to incoming junior and senior high school students as well as undergraduate students. Applications will be received from March 1 to April 15 each year, and all final decisions on acceptance into the program will be made no later than May 15.

The Service Department Co-op & Work Experience Program is open to incoming or current high school seniors. To accommodate variances in school programs and schedules, applications will be received year-round. The deadline to apply and be considered for co-op and work experience during the current school year is February 1. Any application received after February 1 will be considered for co-op and work experience beginning in the next school year.

How to Apply

Completed applications should be mailed to our corporate location or submitted here. If you have any questions, please contact Ed Hughes in the Mount Joy service department or email Thank you for your interest in the program!
Internship Application
Service Co-op Work Experience Application

Application Information

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