Kill Bros. Kill Bros. 357 | 387
When in search of a reliable gravity grain wagon, your answer lies with Killbros. The Killbros 357 and 387 gravity wagons are built with sturdy and enduring construction, ensuring dependable and long-lasting performance for any operation. They are also equipped with durable Killbros running gears that can be customized to meet your capacity requirements.

Series Models
205 Bushel, Ladder, Sampling Door, Graphite Coated Interior, 12 Ga. Steel, 19" High x 26" Wide Door Opening
255 Bushel, Ladder, Sampling Door, Graphite Coated Interior, 12 Ga. Steel, 20" High x 36" Wide Door Opening

10 Ton Running Gear, 10.00 x 22.5 Used Tires, Extendable Tongue
12 Ton Running Gear, 11 x 22.5 Used Tires, Extendable Tongue
Series Models
205 Bushel, Ladder, Sampling Door, Graphite Coated Interior, 12 Ga. Steel, 19" High x 26" Wide Door Opening
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255 Bushel, Ladder, Sampling Door, Graphite Coated Interior, 12 Ga. Steel, 20" High x 36" Wide Door Opening

10 Ton Running Gear, 10.00 x 22.5 Used Tires, Extendable Tongue
12 Ton Running Gear, 11 x 22.5 Used Tires, Extendable Tongue
Gravity Box
- Models 357 and 387 come with a single compartment.
- Interior coated with graphite for fast unloading and thorough cleaning.
- Standard ladder for convenient hopper content inspection.
- Model 387 includes viewing windows for easy monitoring of wagon contents.
- Boxes can be purchased individually for custom mounting on your own truck or for other uses.
Unloading Door
- Wheel-operated unloading door with rack and pinion design ensures smooth operation and extended lifespan.
- Model 357 features a 26" wide unloading door.
- Model 387 boasts a 36" wide unloading door.
- Additionally, model 387 offers a 12" sampling door for quick and effortless unloading, even with high-moisture grain.
- Running gears are available in 8-, 10-, 12-, and 13-ton capacities.
- 13-ton running gears can be equipped with brakes.
- Heavy-duty hubs provide a rugged and durable farm wagon.
- 6-bolt hubs on 8- and 10-ton models and 8-bolt hubs on 12- and 13-ton models.
- Adjustable quick-hitch tongue enables effortless one-person hookup.
- Rear hitch for towing wagons in tandem.
- Running gears can be purchased individually, featuring an adjustable length frame and stake pockets.
- Stake pockets can be positioned at either 38" or 42" inside widths.