Messick's Part Locator - 382797R1
When our part search results are an OEM Match, we have identified that both the part number and the part vendor are the same. You can count on these parts being a perfect match for your machine.
Other Matches are those that have a part number match but do not have a verified OEM vendor match. Be sure to compare pictures and descriptions to ensure that you are ordering the correct part. If you are unsure a Messick's parts technician is glad to help at 877-260-3528.
Alternative matches are cross referenced or substitute parts. While they should fit, these parts may not match OEM specifications.

2 available
3-5 business days
We found this part in an obsolete warehouse. It's new, but its condition may be degraded due to handling and shelf life.
Case/IH #382797R1
Massive Inventory
- $20M of inventory in stock
- Daily pick ups from CNH Parts Depot & Local Suppliers
- Daily transfers between stores
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60+ full-time customer service parts technicians ready to help you find your obsolete or hard-to-find parts.
Contact our Parts Team at 877-260-3528