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Kubota Model Codes Explained

B Series Model Variants

Lettering Meaning
DT dual traction (four wheel drive)
E two wheel drive
HSD hydrostatic transmission, four wheel drive
HSDB hydrostatic transmission, four wheel drive, bi-speed turn
HSD-T hydrostatic transmission, four wheel drive, tow tractor (airlines)
HSE hydrostatic transmission, two wheel drive
TL tractor, loader
TLB tractor, loader, backhoe

BX Series Model Variants

Lettering Meaning
LB-R loader, backhoe, with R4 tires
LB-T loader, backhoe, with turf tires
R R4 industrial tires
T turf tires
V loader valve

L Series Model Variants

Lettering Meaning
DT dual traction (four wheel drive), also sometimes written as double traction
DTC dual traction (four wheel drive), cab model
DTCCS dual traction (four wheel drive), cab model with creep speed
DTN dual traction (four wheel drive), narrow width specialty tractor for use in orchards or vineyards
DTS dual traction (four wheel drive), power steering
DTSC dual traction (four wheel drive), power steering, two stage clutch, live continuous running PTO (L235/L275 models only)
DT-W dual traction (four wheel drive), wet clutch (also written as Everclutch)
F two wheel drive
FC two wheel drive, live continuous running PTO
FS two wheel drive, power steering
FSC two wheel drive, live continuous running PTO, power steering
FST fully synchronized transmission
GST glide shift transmission
GSTC glide shift transmission, cab model
GSTCA glide shift transmission, four wheel drive, cab model with air ventilation kit (L3600/L4200 models only)
HC high clearance
HDT hydraulic shuttle, dual traction (four wheel drive)
HDT-W hydraulic shuttle, dual traction (four wheel drive), wet clutch
HF hydraulic shuttle, two wheel drive
HSTC hydrostatic feather step transmission, cab model
MDT mechanical shuttle, dual traction (four wheel drive)
MF mechanical shuttle, two wheel drive
SS shuttle shift
T tow tractor
TL tractor, loader
TLB tractor, loader, backhoe
W wide tread for row crop applications (eg. tobacco)

M Series Model Variants

Lettering Meaning
DS dual speed, ROPS (all dual speed models are 32F x 32R speeds)
DSC dual speed, cab model
DTL dual tractor (four wheel drive), low profile (eg. orchards)
DTM dual traction (four wheel drive), mudder (eg. specialty, row crop or vegetable)
DTN dual traction (four wheel drive), narrow tread (eg. orchard or vineyard)
DTN-B dual traction (four wheel drive), narrow tread, bi-speed turn
DT-1 dual traction (four wheel drive), ROPS, shuttle transmission
F two wheel drive
F-1 large two pump hydraulic system
F-CS two wheel drive with creep speed
FC two wheel drive, cab model
H two wheel drive, ROPS (all H-models are standard Swing Shift 16F x 16R speeds)
HC two wheel drive, cab model <>b>or high clearance
HD hydraulic shuttle, four wheel drive, ROPS
HDC hydraulic shuttle, four wheel drive, cab model
HDCCS hydraulic shuttle, four wheel drive, cab model with creep speed
L low profile
MDT mechanical shuttle, dual traction (four wheel drive)
MDTL mechanical shuttle, dual traction (four wheel drive), low profile
MF mechanical shuttle, two wheel drive
ML mechanical shuttle, low profile
OC orchard model
S Synchro Shuttle transmission, two wheel drive
SCS Synchro Shuttle transmission, two wheel drive, creep speed
SD Synchro Shuttle transmission, four wheel drive
SDN-B Synchro Shuttle transmission, four wheel drive, narrow tread with bi-speed turn
SDNBC Synchro Shuttle transmission, four wheel drive, narrow tread, bi-speed turn, cab model
SDNBF Synchro Shuttle transmission, four wheel drive, narrow tread, bi-speed turn, foldable mid-mounted ROPS
SU special utility, two wheel drive
SDSC Swing Shift transmission, dual speed, cab
SDSCC Swing Sift transmission, dual speed, creep speed, cab model with cold weather package
SU-F special utility, two wheel drive, fold-able ROPS
SU-R special utility, two wheel drive, rigid ROPS
SU-TF special utility, two wheel drive, turf special
SUD-F special utility, four wheel drive, fold-able ROPS
SUD-R special utility, four wheel drive, rigid ROPS
SUDT special utility, four wheel drive
SUMDT special utility, mechanical shuttle, four wheel drive
W wide row

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