New Holland H7230 Discbine Walk Around
Tags : 1411 | 1412 | h7220 | h7230 |Today we're going to look at the New Holland nine and 10 foot discbines. The one behind me here is the model H7230, that is a 10 foot, four inch cut. On this machine you have a couple of options that you can get both with the stall of hitch, as well as the stall rollers, conditioning rollers that is.
Let's start by up here in the front with the hitch, this model has what we call a drawbar swivel hitch. You can get this, you can get a two point swivel hitch, or you can get the standard hitch where it's just to drop the pin unlike the H7220 has over here, this has a standard hitch on it. On the drawbar swivel hitch, there are several advantages to this starting with, you'll notice that the only pivoting is done within the gearboxes. The PTO shaft, the drive line is always going straight, down the road that will definitely save on drive line damage as far as universal joints, and other damage that could occur from constantly running at an angle. These drive lines are always going straight, all the pivoting within these two gearboxes.
The other nice thing about this feature with the drawbar swivel, or the two point swivel is that you can make sharper turns, you can also know while your making turns, because your drive line is always straight. This does take a few extra minutes to hook up this to the tractor, this is the plate that goes on the tractor, this is the hitch pin, this slides over the drawbar of the tractor, the pin goes down to the drawbar hole then you tighten these four bolts, and these two set screws on the tractor hitch. Takes a few minutes to put that on, once you do your back up, and just latch onto this front plate right here.
Once you have that all hooked up, I'll go back along the side here, and show a few more of the features of this machine. With the drawbar swivel hitch, it comes with a different drive line than your standard hitch. Has these bars here along the side so, if you did make a too sharp of a turn, your wheel would hit this, and not damage the hitch of the tone. There are some safety features as far as towing on the road, there is a valve up here that you can shut off, that if you're going to tow this machine on the road, that way it'll keep it from any chance of it swinging out. It's an on/off valve right here in front.
Also, on the rear of the machine, there are some safety latches that when you raise the machine up, these safety latches will keep the machine from dropping. The latch on each cylinder in the back so, when you're transporting, you have these up in the transport position. This is also a good safety feature if, and when you ever need to get underneath the machine. You should always have these latches in place, and the safety latch before you get underneath the machine.
On this discbine, there are three choices of conditioners, you have the choice of rubber intermeshing rolls, steel roles, or flails. Flails are good for grass hay, the other type of rolls the rubber, and steel rolls are good for any type of hay. This particular machine has a rubber intermeshing rolls so, when the hay comes off of the disks, come through the rolls, the rolls are adjustable to how much crimping you want to put on the hay. There are shields all around the machine where the cutter bar is to keep from throwing debris out to the operator. You'll notice on the front, the big long shield that we can raise up, and latch in place that exposes our cutter bar. The cutter bar is very unique to New Holland. Years ago when New Holland had their first discbines, they had a common reservoir cutter bar that all the oil flowed through the entire cutter bar.
The downside of that is if you ever hot something major, and did some damage, it would break a tooth off, or maybe a bearing would go bad. It would float through the entire cutter bar, and could do damage to the entire machine actually, could even ruin the entire cutter bar. New Holland has designed their own individual module system, so that every one of these cutter heads has it's own oil reservoir. We call them modules, within these modules, each of them has their own check plug, and fill plug back here, they all have their own drain plug underneath of the cutout underneath the shoe.
Everyone of these is self contained. If you ever were to hit something solid, you would not damage any of the rest of the cutter bar, it would be confined to this one module. On the newer machines now, they even have what they call a sheer hub underneath these four bolts, and the hub with notches in it. If you hit something, it typically would sheer that hub off, you can pull this off, put a new hub on put it back together without doing any major damage. In between each one of these oil reservoirs is a hollow case with nothing but a shaft going between each one of them, connecting each one of these modules together. That way, anything ever damaged would occur, would be confined just to that one area.
That's a little bit of information about the New Holland H7230 discbine. For more information, please contact us at 1-800-222-3373 or on the web at Thank you.
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