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NEW Oxbo 2334 Triple Merger

Tags :  2330  |  2334  |  330  |  334  | 

My name is Steve Pesik, market manager for Oxbo Forage mergers. Behind me is the new model 2334 pull-type triple merger. This new merger is loaded with new features that add productivity, versatility and efficiency to the hay harvesting operation. Some of the changes that we've made from our 330 and 334 versions are, we have new gearbox, new pumps that provide 49% more hydraulic torque which allows you more efficient pick up and delivery of the crops including heavier crops like triticale and rye.

Also, we changed our cam profile on our pick up so that we can pick up the heavier crop more efficiently and flow the crop to the back of the conveyor belt. You'll also notice that our conveyor belts are 40-inches-wide versus the previous 35-inches-wide and they're sloped back 5 degrees so that we can take full use of all of the width of the belt. When you're merging a heavy crop it can handle all of the crop and provide a very smooth wind roll for you. The wind roll quality has been improved by an average of about 17% over the previous model which means that not only can you merge faster but it allows the forage harvester to increase its speed which increases the productivity of the entire hay harvesting process.

Looking at the back side of the machine, we've made several improvements here. You notice the new heavier lift and fold arms, also, you can see that we have much bigger wheels and tires to add flotation to the machine. Not only do we have bigger wheels and tires but we've redesigned the entire mechanical steering system all heavier duty components from the front to the back.

Also, we moved our hydraulic tank to the back with an easy access ladder to get up for serviceability and our capacity on our hydraulic tank has increased from 65 gallons to 90 gallons, to handle all of the bigger hydraulic system that we have. Test units that we've run this summer have proven very durable and the operators, as I mentioned earlier, have mentioned that they can merge one to two miles an hour faster and they're gaining a half to one mile an hour speed on the forage harvester which is a big improvement on productivity for the larger operators.

The 2334 is a 34-foot machine. It's also available in the model of 2330 which is a 30-foot machine. For more details about the new model 2330 and 2334 mergers, just go to or we have videos, literature, features, and benefits or contact any of your Messick's AG salespeople

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