Review of the New Holland RB450 Round Baler
Tags : new-holland | rb450 |I'd like to introduce to you to the New Holland RB-450 Round Baler. This particular round baler makes a 4x5 bale. It's a silage baler capable of baling wet hay or dry hay. We'll start with this baler with loading of the net wrap we open the shield. This baler is capable of holding true rolls of net wrap up front. First roll is put in on here and your second roll is stored up top here.
We feed our net in. We lock it in place and we're ready to go. Put your next roll up top for storage to hold two rolls of net in the front. The redesign of this baler for 2015 focuses mainly on the pickup. This is a one point eight meter pickup. It has a roller wind guard which is free to roll. This has five bar pickup on it and these are solid steel bars in here and they are split in the middle. If you ever were to bend a pickup bar you can replace one half of the pickup bar and not have to replace the whole thing.
The tines on the pickup are rubber mounted for forgiveness against rocks in field conditions. As the hay comes up off the pickup, it comes into our active sweep system. This is a double flighted auger mounted on a common shaft the whole way across. The augers feed in past the throat of the baler so you eliminate any bunching in the corners. Feeds right in up in the active sweep in the center eliminates the stuffer fork that used to be on the old baler for an over-the-top feeding system into the bale chamber.
As we come around the side of the baler you have a no tool adjustable pickup wheel here, much larger pickup wheel than what we had on our previous baler. The net wrap system has been redesigned, eliminated all the extra linkage. You have your duct bale that runs on a separate hydraulic or separate electrical motor followed by your knife, this on a separate one. The knife action cuts up where the duck bale goes down giving us the shortest net wrap travel from neck to bale in the industry eliminating any issues.
Another feature on the new round baler is the new endless belts. They are a self cleaning belt, they have a groove in them and as they wrap around the roll they spread apart and clean all the debris out. Especially useful when running in silage applications that have gumminess that get up all over the belts. They're also bonded on the sides, those of you that have baler know that you get cord showing on your belts these new belts will not do that they're bonded the whole way on the side of the baler.
Another feature they do a new on the RB baler is the drive roll. The belts for the drive roll wrap 20% more around the roll to give you more contact on the drive roll to prevent any slippage of the belts again in silent applications when there gummy. How they achieve that is the idler roll up against the drive roll is pushed more so it causes more wrapping around the drive roll for the belts. Standard on all New Holland Round Baler and on the RB-450 is the spring loaded bale ramp ejector. Gets that bale up and out of the way of the baler so you can close the end gate and continue on bailing without having to back up like some competitors balers.
Also we have more storage for your net trap, you put another roll in here making the total storage for net on this baler is three rolls of net wrap. Thank you for listening to our review of the new RB-450 round baler. If you have any other questions on it or anything like to talk you can visit us at or call us at 800-222-33-73
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