Used Equipment
Combines & Heads

Used Combines
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$104,900.00at Mount Joy
2011 9770 STS Combine, 4wd, Pro Drive-2 Speed Transmission, Power Cast Tail Board, Corn, Small Grain and Soybean Concaves, Adjustable Sieves, High Volume Unload, Camera System, Green Star Ready, Power Mirrors, HD Variable Speed Feeder House Drive, 800/70R38 Front Tires, 28L-26 Rear Tires, 2884 Engine Hours, 1842 Separator Hours, Grain Bin Extensions.
$89,900.00on Consignment w/ Customer
2007, 3976 engine hours, 2505 treshing hours, 9.0L 6 Cylinder Cursor New Holland Engine, Large Color Touch Screen Monitor, GPS, Yield and Moisture Logging, Power Adjust Mirrors, 900/60R32 Drive Tires, 540/65R30 Steering Tires, Small Grain Concaves, Self-Leveling Cleaning System, Hyd. Drive Fan with Bottom Shield, 315 Bushel Grain Bin, 3.2 Bushel Per Second,
$74,950.00at Mount Joy
2004, 3838 engine hours, 2511 threshing hours, 4-Wheel Drive Combine with 900/60R32 Drive Tires, 600/65R28 Steering Tires, GPS with Yield and Moisture Monitor, Small Grain Concaves, deluxe cab with heated electric mirrors, buddy seat, radio, new hydro's recently installed