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Custom Rope  >   Tow Ropes  >   T025-1

#T025-1 1.375" Diameter Tow Rope, 25000 Lb Tensile Strength, 20 Ft Long, 1 Loop & 1 Hook


1 In Stock

Weight: 7.00 lbs

About Custom Ropes

Custom Rope Application Chart
T08.5 8,500 Lb Tensile Strength Cars and Small Pick-up Trucks
T012.5 12,500 Lb Tensile Strength Cars, Mid Size Pick-up Trucks, and SUVs
T025 25,000 Lb Tensile Strength Full Size Pick-up Trucks and SUVs
T037.5 37,500 Lb Tensile Strength Light Trucks and Small Tractors
T062.5 62,500 Lb Tensile Strength Large 2 Wheel Drive Tractors
T075 75,000 Lb Tensile Strength Large 4 Wheel Drive Tractors And Semis
T087.5 87,500 Lb Tensile Strength Heavy Duty Farm and Construction Equipment
T100 100,000 Lb Tensile Strength Combines and Self Propelled Forage Harvesters
T125 125,000 Lb Tensile Strength Heavy Duty Use 
T150 150,000 Lb Tensile Strength Super Heavy Duty Use


This "Custom Rope" will withstand the load stated on the tag if hooked up correctly. This "Custom Rope" is warranted to the original purchaser for a period of one full year from the date of purchase. If a problem occurs, the rope will be repaired free of charge if it is returned DIRECTLY TO THE MANUFACTURER FOR INSPECTION. 

This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability and the manufacturer shall not be liable to purchaser for any special or consequential damages. Any provision of this warranty in violation of applicable law shall not apply. This rope should be returned to the factory for repair, it will not be replaced. 


When attaching this rope to a vehicle that is going to be pulled, or to a vehicle that is going to pull it, never attach the rope to a hook, clevis, chain, cable or other metal object that is weaker than the rated strength of this rope as shown on the attached chart. To do so will create a dangerous condition in that even though the rope will not break, the hook, clevis, chain, cable or other metal object to which the rope is attached may tear from the vehicle with extreme force which might result in property damage, bodily injury or even death.

Inspect the rope each time prior to its use and never use a cut or damaged rope.

Never allow the rope to come into contact with metal surfaces during usage except at designed connection points on each end. Use slide protectors if provided on the rope to prevent such contact when possible. If not possible, do not use the rope!

Never use a rope to pull with if load to be pulled is in excess of the rated strength of the rope as shown.

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