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New Holland Guardian Sprayer with Raven Hawkeye Nozzels

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Awesome FAST sprayer | Raven Hawkeye | 2400 gallon, 120' Boom, Tracks!

Hey, guys, Neil from Messick's. I made a mistake on a video, a really cool one, and I'm totally bummed out about it. We shot this new fast sprayer that we were just out here delivering to a customer and accidentally plugged the microphones into the headphone jack. We shot this whole video and go no audio off of it at all. I'm going to narrate here a little bit about this machine, and you can watch some of the stitched in clips here in between. 

Awesome FAST sprayer | Raven Hawkeye | 2400 gallon, 120' Boom, Tracks!

Hey, guys, Neil from Messick's. I made a mistake on a video, a really cool one, and I'm totally bummed out about it. We shot this new fast sprayer that we were just out here delivering to a customer and accidentally plugged the microphones into the headphone jack. We shot this whole video and go no audio off of it at all. I'm going to narrate here a little bit about this machine, and you can watch some of the stitched in clips here in between. 

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