Put a little vasoline on the inside and outside of the bushing and it slide into the gas tank and suction tube with no problems and no more gas leaking.
10/12/2022 Howell, MI ewfarm
(5 minutes)
Once the fender assembly is removed clean the surface of the fuel tank of dirt and debris.
Insert the grommet.
Lubricate the fuel sensor and the grommet. Use steady Once the fender assembly is removed clean the surface of the fuel tank of dirt and debris.
Insert the grommet.
Lubricate the fuel fitting and the grommet. Use steady even pressure and twisting motion as it is inserted. even pressure and twisting motion as it is inserted.
Put a little vasoline on the inside and outside of the bushing and it slide into the gas tank and suction tube with no problems and no more gas leaking.
Howell, MI