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The New Pro-Belt Round Baler from New Holland

Bryan Messick: Hi, I'm Bryan Messick with Messick farm equipment. We're here to talk about the new New Holland Pro-Belt series round baler here today from New Holland. I have with me Garen Ingalls, the New Holland dairy livestock specialist. Garen, you're going to tell us a little bit about this baler. Let's just start in the front and we'll work our way around it.
Garen Ingalls: Thank you, Bryan. This is the new Pro-Belt series round baler. It's offered in a 450 and 460 model. We'll start from the front of baler and work our way back. As you can see here we have our standard hitch pin assembly. We still kept the Drop Pin Keeper here assembly so you don't have the hair pin dragging through the hay windrows. We move back here to the back of the hitch assembly. We have finite adjustment for bolt right here so that you can adjust the hitch to multiple different draw bar heights on different tractors.
Then when you move to here, we do have another adjustment in here where you can set the drawbar, the clevis, so it's level with the tractor so it doesn't create a wear point on drawbar. This baler is only offered in the 1,000 RPM so it's not a 540 RPM baler.
Bryan: No 540, 1,000 speed only.
Garen: No. This baler is about uptime, no downtime. What we've done here is we also give you the hitch, the hose holder and a harness holder. It keeps the hoses up out of the way of the three point hitches of the tractor where we might have some problems where it gets pinched and cause problems as well as it's a nice storage location when you're unhooking from the baler. From there, let's talk about, how many hoses we see here, Bryan.
Bryan: We only have two sets of hoses, which has me confused between the cutter and all the applications this does.
Garen: What we've done here is we put a diverter swap valve on the baler. The diverter swap valve is more like a big square baler where you can control the functions of the baler from the cab of the tractor on the display monitor. As over here, we have a nice decal that tells you what the hoses are. Black would be for the tailgate cycle. These hoses run the tailgate up and down. The green hoses right here, the couplers, they run the default, would be the pickup.
When you start the tractor up, IntelliView IV boot's up, you raise and lower the pickup. If you want to lower the drop floor on the IntelliView IV, you touch the drop floor icon on the display, and you can lower the floor, as well as you're going to raise and lower the knives, if you touch the knife function.
Bryan: Oh, okay. Nice.
Garen: What this does is allows to run this baler on a tractor that has only two sets of remotes-
Bryan: Makes sense. Instead of [crosstalk]--
Garen: -as opposed to having four sets remotes.
Bryan: Excellent.
Garen: Let's move back here to what we have the cutout clutch. On the New Holland balers, you will not find a friction disc clutch.
Bryan: Why would we not want a friction disc?
Garen: The friction disc clutches, although they are good in applications, on a baler, what do they create when they slip?
Bryan: Heat.
Garen: What don't you want around a baler that has some chaff on it?
Bryan: We definitely don't want heat around dry hay.
Garen: That's right. Cut-out clutches, simple, reliable, consistent, and no maintenance.
Bryan: I was looking here on the pickup, we have here on the pickup the rollers cutout and I see there's something going on there at the side of the pickup.
Garen: You're correct, Bryan. What we've done here is we've eliminated the pinch point by moving the water roller wind guard this far in and putting a straight time. The bands here and the other pickup times are the exact same part number as a Roll-Belt baler, but we could put this straight. You know why we did that?
Bryan: No.
Garen: How many times you've been bailing on a corner or windrows and you get that slug of crop that kind of comes in and then what's it do?
Bryan: Pinches on the corner.
Garen: Pinches. What's it does it do then?
Bryan: Plugs out, plugs up.
Garen: Then, what did you wish you wouldn't have done?
Bryan: Plug the baler and send the slope through.
Garen: Isn't it better just to let it go and then come back around and get it later as opposed to spending what, a half hour digging out-
Bryan: Digging out.
Garen: -a baler sometimes?
Bryan: Yes.
Garen: Once again, all about uptime, no downtime.
Bryan: As soon as we made our way over here to the side of the baler, I look up, and the first thing I notice are these massive sprockets in this chain that is just enormous, Garen.
Garen: That's correct Bryan. What we've done here is we've put two sprockets on here, two drive sprockets to drive the rolls.
Bryan: We're driving the belts with two verses-
Garen: Two.
Bryan: -one that we've always had. Wow.
Garen: Correct. These sprockets are 44% larger than the Roll-Belt series balers. We've done this for one main reason. It's about driving those belts in a heavy wet silage condition as well as taking the load off of one roll.
Bryan: I can see that. That is an impressive size on those.
Garen: Let's talk about the size. What happens when you have a larger diameter of anything in turning? What's it doing?
Bryan: Slows it down.
Garen: It turns it slower. By turning things slower, we're increasing longevity of the life of the parts-
Bryan: Parts.
Garen: -of the baler. It's all about more uptime, no downtime, as well as look at the chain contact, we have on that baler there and those sprockets right there.
Bryan: Oh, it's wrapped around that front sprocket almost two-thirds of the way around that and even on the back sprocket.
Garen: Correct.
Bryan: A lot of contact.
Garen: When you have a lot of contact with that sprocket, you're taking off the wear and tear of that chain and as well as we're not bending that chain around a really tight angle, which increases the life of the chain. Let's talk about that chain right there. That's a diamond brand chain. All the chains on this baler are diamond brand chain. We see it as an oiling system on the front of the baler. You didn't see that but there is an oiling system on this baler. It comes standard with the baler and it works with every tailgate cycle injecting oil onto the chain.
Bryan: Every time tailgate opens, it's going to inject some oil on the chains?
Garen: Correct.
Bryan: For longevity and that will definitely help out. As we made our way to the back of the baler, the first thing I noticed when we look inside, we're definitely missing some parts, Garen, that we're used to seeing back here.
Garen: That's correct, Bryan. As you can see, we do have the starter roll in the stationary roll. What are we missing?
Bryan: We're missing the whole sledge frame assembly.
Garen: The sledge frame is gone. You're correct. We did that for one major reason. Sledge frames have more moving parts. With more moving parts, you can have?
Bryan: More wear, more tear [crosstalk]-
Garen: More wear and tear, more maintenance.
Bryan: -more maintenance.
Garen: Longevity of the baler increases, as well as, what we've done here, Bryan?
Bryan: I see you got some cutout slots in some scrapers in here it looks like.
Garen: You're correct. We put this standard on the baler, these scrapers right here. These are adjustable. This is a fixed one. You can keep those rolls clean in that heavy wet silage conditions.
Bryan: That nasty, wet, muddy-
Garen: Correct.
Bryan: -that will help clean that up. That's very impressive.
Garen: As well as here there's a knife, Bryan, that-
Bryan: Oh, I see that.
Garen: -strips away the material. As that rotor comes around, if anything wants to come over with it, it's going to strip it off it doesn't back feed around.
Bryan: One thing I notice, Garen, is the belts. Belts are completely different than what we have on our other balers.
Garen: Correct, Bryan. As you can see, these are-
Bryan: Wider.
Garen: -11-inch wider belts.
Bryan: I see that.
Garen: We got four of them. Correct?
Bryan: Yes.
Garen: Why do we do this? It's about stability. There's less chance of twisting this belt during operation than it is with a narrower belt.
Bryan: Much wider, can't flip it over. I understand. Makes sense.
Garen: If you look at it, there are thicker belt as well. Heavy thick belts. We are still turning the baler with a floor rolls as you can see. We still have the starter roll and a stationary roll and that's still turning the baler as well. We are still turning the baler with three different systems taking wear and tear off of the belts.
Bryan: Belts and things like that. Got you. The rolls up here inside just look massive. They have to be bigger than the one on the standard baler.
Garen: Bryan, they're about 70% bigger in diameter than the bigger Roll-Belt series baler.
Bryan: As we made our way around here to the right-hand side of the baler, couple of things I notice, Garen, I look at the bearings up here, and I look at the rolls here and they seem to extend out past the bale chamber.
Garen: The bearings are bigger on this baler. We did that because we have two twin drive rolls up there as well as bigger diameter rolls, bigger bearings.
Bryan: Got you. Makes sense.
Garen: Then you're correct, these stripper spiral rolls right here, we still have those but they do extend out past the size sheets of the baler. We did that for one main reason.
Bryan: What would be the reason why are we doing that?
Garen: As we stripped the material off this roll, we want to get rid of it and expel it. We don't want it to keep turning in the chamber. Because what happens when it turns on the chamber?
Bryan: We eliminate that chaff in the chamber. Got you.
Garen: That gives you what? Climbs your belts and-
Bryan: Climbs your belts.
Garen: -and things like that.
Bryan: -builds up.
Garen: We do have that here and up here. For serviceability and maintenance, see those three bolts there?
Bryan: Yes.
Garen: Basically, you can unbolt that, unbolt the other side and pull it out.
Bryan: Pull the assembly out. Wow.
Garen: You can unbolt these, pull it out, work on it, put it back-
Bryan: Put it back in.
Garen: -and be up and baling.
Bryan: Excellent. Garen, with chains on this side of the baler, it looks like we're driving this baler from both sides.
Garen: That's correct, Bryan. What we're doing here is we have a split drive, twin-drive gearbox right here. We're taking power and we send it to the left-hand side or taking power and we send it to the right-hand side of the baler. Over here, what are we driving, Bryan?
Bryan: Looks like we're driving the pickup and rotor on this side.
Garen: Correct. That's right. On the other side, we're driving the rolls, the floor roll.
Bryan: The belts I'm assuming up top?
Garen: Yes.
Bryan: Excellent.
Garen: It's all about taking the stress off the one side of the baler and instead of having to send it across, down the left-hand side of the baler,and bring it over to the right-hand side of the baler through the--
Bryan: Through the rolls, we're able to split it out there in the front of the baler.
Garen: Yes.
Bryan: How do we control this baler from the cab of the tractor? Is there some type of monitor system or what are we doing here?
Garen: Good question. This is an ISOBUS baler. However, you do not have to have an ISOBUS tractor to operate this baler. This is the ISOBUS module right here. If you don't have an ISOBUS tractor, you just plug into and watch the baler function through the display monitor of the tractor, or even if you want to have a second display in your tractor. You have your tractor functions and you have your baler functions, you can do that.
Bryan: Got you.
Garen: Let's get back to the older tractors that aren't ISOBUS. Go to the baler with an ISOBUS monitor IntelliView IV. You mount the monitor in the tractor and you can control the baler with that monitor.
Bryan: If I'm the customer, I would just purchase an IntelliView IV monitor with this baler to run it on my older tractor that wouldn't be an ISO tractor?
Garen: Correct.
Bryan: Okay, simple enough.
Garen: As you see here, we do have a moisture monitor on this baler as well. They are factory installed. You do have them on this baler right here. It's pretty simple to tell. It's got the gray wire right here, which you can tell it has a moisture monitor.
Bryan: Is that standard equipment moisture?
Garen: It is not standard equipment. It's factory installed-
Bryan: Factory installed.
Garen: -but you're stocking this baler with the moisture.
Bryan: Got you.
Garen: This moisture monitor is New Holland's moisture monitor and it's very good wide range for doing dry crops as well as silage crops. The low on this is about 7% moisture.
Bryan: Pretty low.
Garen: Then on the high side is 60% moisture.
Bryan: We'd be juicing water at that?
Garen: Right.
Bryan: That's good.
Garen: We have the flexibility and capability to do a wide range of crops with this baler right here.
Bryan: Good. Again, we're back over here on the side of the baler. This baler is a CropCutter baler. We know we have knives in the chamber, but we have a drop floor, which New Holland refers to as their active drop floor. Can you explain that to us a little bit here?
Garen: Yes, correct, Bryan. The way this works, the system works is as crop does come in, and I don't care which baler we know, who does a perfect rake job all the time?
Bryan: Exactly, nobody.
Garen: If you do get a slug that comes through here, this ISO mount rubber, the black bushing right here will compress up to 10 millimeters. We pull crop through under the rotor, up against the drop floor, then what happens? Do we still keep that moving that crop?
Bryan: We're going to try, but then-- Yes, it's going to [crosstalk]--
Garen: It's mounted to a cylinder. How's that going to work?
Bryan: It's going to be difficult.
Garen: That cylinder's actually mounted to a spring. The cylinder will move down as well and let the crop flow through here.
Bryan: That floor will actually push back a little to-
Garen: Push down.
Bryan: -let down slug work its way up through. That's impressive.
Garen: As well as we have a sensor on this floor that'll notify the operator if they have a slug going through or if they're just pushing the baler a little hard.
Bryan: A little hard. They'll know that [crosstalk]--
Garen: That maybe they didn't need to back off.
Bryan: Back off.
Garen: This baler is all about capacity, but everything has its limits.
Bryan: Understand. Yes, absolutely.
Garen: It is a drop floor as well still. You can lower it from the tractor operation.
Bryan: Get the slug out if we were to plug.
Garen: Correct.
Bryan: Then move forward. Excellent. Well, Garen, I want to thank you from coming from New Holland down to do this walk-around on this brand-new Pro-Belt series round baler. Again, if you have any questions on this baler, please don't hesitate to call us at +1 800-222-3373 or visit us

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